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We specialize in buying and selling coins, offering a trusted marketplace for coin enthusiasts. Whether you're looking to sell a collection or find unique coins to add to yours, our knowledgeable team provides expert evaluations and fair market prices. We deal in a wide range of coins, including rare collectibles.
Our staff is expertly trained to simplify the process of selling your gold, silver, and coins. We regularly compare prices with our competitors to ensure that we offer you the highest possible payout. You can trust selling your gold to our store because you’ll always receive the best value that the market allows. Our skilled professionals are trained to accurately assess the value of your items using the latest technology.
Ready to part with some of your coins or jewelry that you no longer wear? Contact Alabama Wholesale Diamonds about selling your gold, jewelry, and coins. We make the process quick and easy, so you can earn extra cash.
Come to the trusted jeweler that has helped over 50,000 customers turn their jewelry to cash.
While you wait, we carefully assess each of your pieces to provide the most accurate value.
We make you the highest offer possible. After you accept it, we immediately write you a check.